Wheel Building Series – June 3, 10, 17 

Prerequisites:  Must be familiar with hub maintenance and wheel truing techniques.
June 3, 2017, Saturday, 0900-1200 
Orientation (mandatory attendance, no exceptions)
  • Why build your own wheels
  • Wheel lacing patterns
  • Spoke and nipple types
  • Wheel building tools
June 10, 2017, Saturday, 0900-1200  
  • Spoke length calculation
  • Rim and spoke prep
  • Wheel lacing techniques
June 17, 2017, Saturday, 0900-1200  
  • Spoke tensioning techniques
  • Dishing, achieving equal tension
  • Finalizing wheel build
No RSVP required. All questions regarding sessions will be addressed at the orientation. 
We only have three truing stands so, unless attendees bring their own, allocation will be determined by lottery. Attendees that do not have a stand to use are still welcome to watch, listen, and learn during these sections.
Because of the logistics of these seminars (checking participants in, security and safety of demo props, etc…), once the session begins, no late comers are allowed to join the session. 

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